
I can't join any zone

stevenking10 opened this issue · 2 comments

Every time I'm getting

Successfully updated map data on planet: 38
VM108:274 Error getting zone response (on start): {response: {…}}
VM108:87 Waiting 5s and re-sending join attempt (Attempt #1).
VM108:274 Error getting zone response (on start): {response: {…}}
VM108:87 Waiting 5s and re-sending join attempt (Attempt #2).
VM108:87 Updating grid
VM108:515 Successfully updated map data on planet: 38
VM108:274 Error getting zone response (on start): {response: {…}}
VM108:87 Waiting 5s and re-sending join attempt (Attempt #3).
VM108:274 Error getting zone response (on start): {response: {…}}
VM108:87 Waiting 5s and re-sending join attempt (Attempt #4).

works now thanks

I have the same problem if I click on any zone manually, I get this error

VM2150:929 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'removeChild' of null
at CBattleSelect.INJECT_init_battle_selection.gGame.m_State.m_Grid.click (:929:26)
at e.CBattleSelect.g.pointertap (battleselect.js?v=bbvkrpT3WOXU&l=russian:141)
at e.dispatchEvent (pixi.min.js?v=.tDHAybGykI1O:19)
at e.processPointerUp (pixi.min.js?v=.tDHAybGykI1O:19)
at prototype-1.7.js?v=.55t44gwuwgvw:392
at e.processInteractive (pixi.min.js?v=.tDHAybGykI1O:19)
at e.processInteractive (pixi.min.js?v=.tDHAybGykI1O:19)
at e.processInteractive (pixi.min.js?v=.tDHAybGykI1O:19)
at e.onPointerComplete (pixi.min.js?v=.tDHAybGykI1O:19)
at e.onPointerUp (pixi.min.js?v=.tDHAybGykI1O:19)