Should 'import pyface.api' set the toolkit to 'qt' rather than 'qt4'?
mdickinson opened this issue · 0 comments
mdickinson commented
Currently, import pyface.api
in an environment containing PySide or PyQt sets the ETS toolkit to "qt4"
. This causes issues if an application later tries to set the toolkit to "qt"
. Would it make more sense for the Pyface import to be setting a toolkit of "qt"
mdickinson@mirzakhani Desktop % edm env create --force --version 3.8 testing
Removing environment: testing
Fetching indices for runtime repositories. done
Installing runtime... done
Fetching indices for package repositories. done
Installing/removing package(s)
mdickinson@mirzakhani Desktop % edm install --add-repository enthought/lgpl -e testing pyface pyside6
Fetching indices for package repositories.. done
The following packages will be installed:
importlib_resources 5.4.0-1 27 KiB
libfreetype 2.12.1-1 637 KiB
libharfbuzz 3.2.0-4 924 KiB
libicu 70.1-2 14.55 MiB
libpng 1.6.37-100 242 KiB
libturbojpeg 2.1.2-1 430 KiB
libzstd 1.5.0-1 1.12 MiB
pyface 7.4.4-2 2.41 MiB
pyside6 6.2.3-6 11 MiB
qtbase 6.2.3-3 11.02 MiB
qtdeclarative 6.2.3-2 8.92 MiB
qtmultimedia 6.2.3-3 542 KiB
qtshadertools 6.2.3-2 1.54 MiB
qtsvg 6.2.3-2 217 KiB
qttools 6.2.3-3 468 KiB
shiboken6 6.2.3-4 259 KiB
traits 6.4.1-1 4.76 MiB
zipp 3.7.0-1 6 KiB
Do you want to continue ? [Y/n]: y
Installing/removing package(s)
pyside6 [............................................................................................]
mdickinson@mirzakhani Desktop % edm run -e testing -- python
Enthought Deployment Manager --
Python 3.8.12 |Enthought, Inc. (x86_64)| (default, Sep 27 2021, 11:51:02)
[Clang 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.29)] on darwin
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>>> import pyface.api
>>> from traits.etsconfig.api import ETSConfig
>>> ETSConfig.toolkit