
Tree of checkboxes - any examples?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

srk commented

I want to make a tree of check boxes, that looks like this:

All types [ ]
|-Type A [ ]
| |
| A1 [ ]
| A2 [ ]
| A3 [ ]
|-Type B [ ]
| |
| B1 [ ]
| B2 [ ]
|- Type C [ ]

If 'All types' is checked, then all sub-checkboxes are checked
If 'Type A' is checked, then all sub-checkboxes (i.e. A1,A2 ..) are checked

I eventually want these checkboxes to control the individual and grouped visibility of sets of points3d objects, held in a list.

Can anyone point me to an example of how to do this with TreeEditor?

This isn't easily doable with the TreeEditor - it doesn't expose a checkbox as part of the API for the items in the tree.

The Pyface data_view can expose checkboxes easily using a ValueType with a get_check_state/set_check_state, but needs work to embed in a TraitsUI as it works at the lower Pyface level and we don't yet have an example of doing that embedding - it can be done with a CustomEditor reasonably simply but there isn't an example that you can follow.