
ENTR warehouse release framework

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Definition of Done

We have designed and implemented standards for how we want to release new versions of the warehouse (dbt package) - this should include how we manage the change log as well as outline the process for how we'll publish releases. MVP:

  • version naming convention
  • whether we want to have pre-releases/betas prior to official version rollouts (and how we'd do that)
  • release notes for each version that include new features, breaking changes, and (optionally) descriptive summary of the release


Stable versioning is a primary component to ensure successful adoption of ENTR.

User Story/Stories

As a user of the ENTR warehouse I want reliable package versioning with release notes so that I can be sure that breaking changes will not impact my usage of ENTR and understand changes to the repo over time without having to read the code.

Design/Solution Ideas

The more automation the better, but automation is not a necessary starting point.

Use semantic versioning

Discovery Work Outline/Notes

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