
Make and edit Anki flashcard decks. Automatically fetch mp3's for the languages in question. (See add_chinese_cards.sh)

Primary LanguageShell

Anki Deck Builder

Build and rebuild Anki flashcard decks.

The strategy is presented in build_chinese_deck.sh:

  1. Start with a .tsv file that has only one column: the terms from the source language.
  2. The script then fetches translations and audio files from google translate. It updates the .tsv file to hold four columns. It downloads the mp3's into an auxilliary directory (which you can delete afterward if you wish).
  3. The script then populates a sqlite database collection.anki2 with note+card information for all of the terms in the .tsv.
  4. The script then makes hard links whose names are decimal numbers [1-infinity], which is what Anki appears to require.
  5. The script then zips the media files, media file, and sqlite db into a .apkg file.


This application makes use of:

  • Bash
  • Node.js
  • google-translate-token (Node.js module)

On Chromebook

export PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8 allows Python to interpret and print Chinese characters. export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 allows terminal to interpret and print Chinese characters.