Suggestions to features - new "Tavla"
Closed this issue · 2 comments
We are currently testing the new "Tavla" and it looks great. I have some suggestions that might be beneficial for us and other end-users.
Since this is a beta, some of this might already be in your backlog waiting to be deployed.
Combine different bus stops/connections into one box/row. E.g. Gyldenpris in Vestland has several bus stops in the same area which forces us to add them as a unique departure. When we add four different bus stops only 4 departures show at once, so ideally we would like to have two rows considering our 55 inch screens are landscape mounted.
Option to offset by a few minutes so the board doesnt show busses that are deparing the same minute.
Thank you for the suggestions, it's on the block!
Offset departure is important to add. One of the bustops close to the office is still a 7 minute walk away. By offsetting for this, it makes more sense for the traveller. However, a different busstop is really close to the office (serves a whole different set of busses), so for that there is no need to offset.
To conclude, different stops on the same board, need individual offsets.