
Can we migrate to vite?

KrishnaK-Z opened this issue · 4 comments

Can we migrate from webpack to vite. In the current setup, whenever there is a state change, the webpack either doesn't reflect the code changes or enters in the infinite loop of build cycle.

I experience the same issue

Yes, am in the process of updating this project to use vite. Will update here once complete.

Yes, am in the process of updating this project to use vite. Will update here once complete.

I checked out your branch feature/migrate-to-vite and works for me AFAIK, how close to release it this? I am starting a new project was thinking to wait or use that feature branch as base before I get too far into project in current state on webpack?

I think you can use that branch for your new project. Mostly I need to update the README and some minor configurations, so you should be good to go.