
Use lowlevel api instead of operators for Object and Constraint Creation

Sherwin258256 opened this issue · 5 comments

i tried many times ....help
The oUT folder is empty
Is there something wrong with my file?

Could you try again and show the output of the console?
You can open console via Window->Toggle System Console

Hello i have the same error! I'am using blender 2.90! Below is the output of the console!
Capture d’écran 2020-09-12 225219

Hello i have the same error! I'am using blender 2.90! Below is the output of the console!
Capture d’écran 2020-09-12 225219

It seems like the error is due to blender 2.9 i think the plugin is not compatible with that version. After installing blender 2.81 the conversion worked!

I used the 2.81 , before the 2.9, even the 2.83.3 , but with the 2.81 it works perfectly (for Batch) !

this actually had to do with language setting dependence.
It is now Fixed in version 1.2.3
Constraints and Objects are now not constructed with operators but with the lowlevel way