
Update unset namespace behaviour

callmevladik opened this issue · 0 comments

In an effort to ensure UI consistency across our application, there is a need to align the cluster settings popup UI with the account settings and the UI presented after the first login. This task involves making adjustments to the cluster settings popup to ensure it visually and functionally aligns with the rest of the application's settings UIs.

Cluster Settings Popup should appear when the user login for the first time.

{}Acceptance Criteria:{}

  1. The cluster settings popup should match the account settings and post-first-login UI in terms of design elements such as color schemes, fonts, and layout.
  2. Interactive elements within the cluster settings popup (e.g., buttons, dropdowns, toggles) should exhibit behaviors consistent with those in the account settings and post-first-login UI.
  3. Textual content, including instructions and messages within the cluster settings popup, should maintain a consistent tone and style with the account settings and post-first-login UI.
  4. Responsive design principles are adhered to, ensuring the updated cluster settings popup is accessible and functional across different devices and screen sizes.
  5. Update documentation as necessary to reflect any significant changes to the UI or user interactions within the cluster settings popup.

{}Implementation Plan:{}

  1. Conduct a thorough review of the existing cluster settings popup, account settings, and post-first-login UI to identify areas of misalignment.
  2. Develop design mockups to propose adjustments for aligning the cluster settings popup with the account settings and post-first-login UI.
  3. Implement the approved design adjustments.
  4. Perform comprehensive testing, including responsiveness and user interaction tests.
  5. Collect feedback and make necessary iterations to the design.
  6. Update relevant documentation to reflect the changes.