
Zeroes being erroneously stripped by DataWriterUtil.java changing value

benclarktd opened this issue · 1 comments

I am using


in my pom.xml

On line 232 of com.epam.parso.DataWriterUtil.java it seems numbers like 2.09186791907914E10 are having the zero stripped from the exponent becoming 2.09186791907914E1

The code doing this seems to be:

    private static String trimZerosFromEnd(String string) {
        return string.contains(".") ? string.replaceAll("0*$", "").replaceAll("\\.$", "") : string;

which I believe should read

    private static String trimZerosFromEnd(String string) {
        return string.contains(".") && (! string.contains("E")) ? string.replaceAll("0*$", "").replaceAll("\\.$", "") : string;

I made the fix to DataWriterUtil.java and recompiled the parso jar using it. Here's what I ultimately did that worked.

    private static String trimZerosFromEnd(String string) {
        if (string.contains(".")) {
            if (string.contains("E")) {
                String preDot = string.replaceAll("^([^.]*)[.].*$", "$1");
                String postDot = string.replaceAll(".*[.](.*)$", "$1");
                return preDot.replaceAll("0*$", "").replaceAll("\\.$", "") + "."
 + postDot;
            return string.replaceAll("0*$", "").replaceAll("\\.$", "");
        return string;