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This linter plugin for SublimeLinter provides an interface to ameba. It will be used with files that have crystal syntax.


SublimeLinter must be installed in order to use this plugin.

Please use Package Control to install both SublimeLinter and the linter plugin.

Before installing this plugin, you must ensure that ameba is installed on your project. Add ameba to your shard.yml file, in development_dependencies:

    github: veelenga/ameba

Run shards install, this will place an ameba executable in a bin folder inside your project's folder.

That executable will be used by default, if you want to use another executable just specify it in SublimeLinter User settings.

If an .ameba.yml config file is located in your project's root path, it will be used.


// SublimeLinter Settings - User
  "linters": {
    "ameba": {
      "executable": "path_to_ameba_executable"