
My Sublime Text 3 Development Stack for Colleagues and Friends

Evan's Sublime Text 3 Development Stack


This document provides instructions to my fellow MAHI Lab members for duplicating my development stack in Sublime Text 3. I use it extensively for everything from editing C++, Python, LaTeX, Markdown, and HTML, to transferring files over SFTP to our embedded hardware.


  1. Download Sublime Text 3.0 if you don't already have it. It is paid commercial software ($80), but will remain in a full evaluation mode until you finally feel guilty for free-bagging such an awesome product and decide to purchase a license.
  2. Install Package Control, the de facto standard for installing Sublime plugins.
  3. Once Package Control is installed, press Ctrl+Shft+P in Sublime to open the Command Palette. Begin typing "install" and select "Package Control: Install Package" when it appears, then type the names of the package you want to install and press Enter when it appears.


First things first: change color schemes and themes! My favorites:

Also, install A File Icon for unique sidebar file icons for literally every file extension known to man.

Must Have Packages

These packages add awesome functionality to Sublime:



Believe it or not, it's possible to make C++ development in Sublime pretty enjoyable with a few plugins and tricks. First, install Clang and make sure its binaries are in your Path. Next, get these plugins.

Make sure you read EasyClangComplete's documentation so you understand how it searches for include files. I found it easiest to add them to my .sublime_project using the "ecc_common_flags" variable:


Even though you may use a different compiler from Clang, such as MSVC or GCC, ECC will continue to provide valuable auto-completion and warnings while you code (just realize it may not catch the same exact warnings your compiler does)

If you use CMake and/or make, consider adding custom build systems (either on a project level, or plugin level). For example, I have these build systems defined in my .sublime_project file:

    "file_regex": "/([^/:]+):(\\d+):(\\d+): ",
    "name": "CMake",
    "shell_cmd": "cmake .. -G \"MinGW Makefiles\"",
    "working_dir": "$project_path/build"
    "file_regex": "^(..[^:]*):([0-9]+):?([0-9]+)?:? (.*)$",
    "name": "Make",
    "shell_cmd": "make -j",
    "working_dir": "$project_path/build"


Sublime can be turned into an awesome lightweight Python IDE. First install pyflakes with pip from the command line (assuming you have Python installed):

pip install pyflakes

Then install these packages:

Once Anaconda, SublimeLinter, and SublimeLinter-pyflakes are installed, navigate to Preferences >> Package Settings >> Anaconda >> Settings - User and add the following settings:

  "anaconda_linting": false,
  "swallow_startup_errors": true,
  "hide_snippets_on_completion": true,
  "complete_parameters": true,
  "auto_formatting_timeout": 5

Open any .py Python file in Sublime. Navigate to Preferences >> Settings - Syntax Specific and add the following into Python.sublime-settings:

  "auto_indent": true,
  "rulers": [79],
  "smart_indent": true,
  "trim_automatic_white_space": true,
  "use_tab_stops": true,
  "word_wrap": false,
  "wrap_width": 80

Right-click in the Python file and choose SublimeLiner >> Toggle Linter... from the context menu. Make sure pyflakes is enabled.


Sublime can be used to edit and compile LaTeX documents. First, make sure you have MiKTeX installed. Also, install Sumatra PDF and GhostScript for extended capabilities. Then install the following package: