
Manage your Club Mate in a Telegram group

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mate Bot

Telegram bot to manage the consumption of Club Mate between different people.


  1. Communicate with @BotFather to create a bot and get the token.
  2. Rename secrets.sample.json to secrets.json.
  3. Replace the BOT_TOKEN key in the secrets.json file with the bot token.
  4. Go on Giphy get api key and follow the instructions to get an API key.
  5. Replace the API_KEY key in the secrets.json file with the api key you were provided with.
  6. Run npm i to install the node dependencies.
  7. Run script with node index.js.


  • /start → Welcome :)
  • /about → Shows bot version, bug report, etc...
  • /help → Shows a list of all available commands with their description.
  • /send <@username> <amount> → Send a specific amount of money to another person.
  • /balance → Shows the status of everyone's wallet.
  • /setoption <item> <value> → Change the value of an item (price of box, bottle, currency...).
  • /option → List current options's values.
  • /buybox → The user buys a case of club-mate.
  • /drink → The user drinks a club-mate.
  • /charge [@username] <value>