
shaddock #79 failed

Closed this issue · 1 comments

epheo commented

Build 'shaddock' is failing!

Last 50 lines of build output:

[...truncated 22.78 KB...]
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 95da6da43467
Successfully built 95da6da43467
Successfully tagged another_testuser/another_arch_base:latest
|   # | Cluster             | Name                   | State   | Host           | IP   | Image                                     |
|   0 | img-cluster10       | service011             | created | localhost      |      | testuser/arch_base:latest                 |
|   0 | img-cluster10       | service012             | None    | localhost      | None | testuser/netcat:latest                    |
|  10 | img-cluster11       | service013             | None    | localhost      | None | testuser/arch_base:latest                 |
|  20 | img-cluster11       | service014             | None    | localhost      | None | another_testuser/arch_base:latest         |
|  30 | img-cluster11       | service015             | None    | localhost      | None | another_testuser/another_arch_base:latest |
| 120 | include-test        | test120                | None    | localhost      | None | testuser/arch_base:latest                 |
| 121 | command-test        | test121                | None    | localhost      | None | testuser/arch_base:latest                 |
| 130 | svc-cluster0        | attach-volume-test     | None    | localhost      | None | testuser/arch_base:latest                 |
| 210 | host-cluster1       | service202             | None    | localhost      | None | testuser/arch_base:latest                 |
| 211 | host-cluster1       | service203             | None    | node001-socket | None | testuser/arch_base:latest                 |
| 212 | host-cluster2       | service204             | None    | node002-tcp    | None | testuser/arch_base:latest                 |
| 213 | host-cluster2       | service205             | None    | node003-tls    | None | testuser/arch_base:latest                 |
| 300 | net-cluster0        | bind-ports-test        | None    | localhost      | None | testuser/arch_base:latest                 |
| 401 | jinja2-tests01      | clu1-plop              | None    | localhost      | None | testuser/arch_base:latest                 |
| 401 | jinja2-tests01      | clu1-plp2              | None    | localhost      | None | testuser/arch_base:latest                 |
| 401 | jinja2-tests01      | clu1-plop3             | None    | localhost      | None | testuser/arch_base:latest                 |
| 401 | jinja2-tests02      | clu2-auto-generated001 | None    | localhost      | None | testuser/arch_base:latest                 |
| 401 | jinja2-tests02      | clu2-auto-generated002 | None    | localhost      | None | testuser/arch_base:latest                 |
| 401 | jinja2-tests02      | clu2-auto-generated003 | None    | localhost      | None | testuser/arch_base:latest                 |
| 401 | jinja2-tests02      | clu2-auto-generated004 | None    | localhost      | None | testuser/arch_base:latest                 |
| 500 | scheduler-tests     | test500                | None    | localhost      | None | testuser/arch_base:latest                 |
| 510 | scheduler-tests     | test501                | None    | localhost      | None | testuser/arch_base:latest                 |
| 520 | scheduler-tests     | test503                | None    | localhost      | None | testuser/arch_base:latest                 |
| 550 | scheduler-tcp-tests | test504                | None    | localhost      | None | testuser/netcat:latest                    |
| 560 | scheduler-tcp-tests | test520                | None    | localhost      | None | testuser/arch_base:latest                 |
500 Server Error: Internal Server Error ("shim error: json: cannot unmarshal array into Go struct field processState.capabilities of type specs.LinuxCapabilities")
Starting container: service011
HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=2376): Max retries exceeded with url: /v1.12/containers/json?trunc_cmd=0&limit=-1&all=1&size=0 (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7fcd46b5ae50>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused',))
ERROR: InvocationError: '/bin/bash run_tests.sh'
pep8 create: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/shaddock/.tox/pep8
pep8 installdeps: -r/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/shaddock/requirements.txt, -r/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/shaddock/test-requirements.txt
pep8 develop-inst: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/shaddock
pep8 installed: alabaster==0.7.10,Babel==2.4.0,backports.ssl-match-hostname==,certifi==2017.4.17,chardet==3.0.4,cliff==1.10.1,cmd2==0.7.5,configparser==3.5.0,docker-py==1.10.6,docker-pycreds==0.2.1,docutils==0.13.1,enum34==1.1.6,flake8==3.3.0,future==0.14.3,idna==2.5,imagesize==0.7.1,ipaddress==1.0.18,Jinja2==2.8,MarkupSafe==1.0,mccabe==0.6.1,netaddr==0.7.19,oslo.config==2.7.0,oslosphinx==4.15.1,pbr==3.1.1,pep8==1.7.0,pluggy==0.4.0,prettytable==0.7.2,py==1.4.34,pycodestyle==2.3.1,pyflakes==1.5.0,Pygments==2.2.0,pyparsing==2.2.0,pyperclip==1.5.27,pytz==2017.2,PyYAML==3.11,requests==2.18.1,-e git+git@github.com:epheo/shaddock.git@085e50d5cef1efa5f69c6ba4081ea55924fa0411#egg=shaddock,six==1.10.0,snowballstemmer==1.2.1,Sphinx==1.6.3,sphinxcontrib-websupport==1.0.1,stevedore==1.24.0,tox==2.7.0,typing==3.6.1,urllib3==1.21.1,virtualenv==15.1.0,websocket-client==0.44.0
pep8 runtests: PYTHONHASHSEED='2265332616'
pep8 runtests: commands[0] | flake8
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
ERROR:   py36: commands failed
ERROR:   py27: commands failed
  pep8: commands succeeded
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Build did not succeed and the project is configured to only push after a successful build, so no pushing will occur.

Changes since last successful build:

  • [Thibaut Lapierre] f0b1edf - Fix scheduler

  • [Thibaut Lapierre] beca9c4 - Add ports bindings defintion possibility

  • [epheo] b372778 - Refacto frontend

  • [epheo] f15310c - Global refactoring

  • [epheo] a7e3011 - refacto

  • [epheo] 089521c - Reduce api calls

  • [epheo] 07e274f - Abandon less API calls as no change in result

  • [epheo] 102250b - Add default file shaddock.yml

  • [Thibaut Lapierre] 9af7c83 - Flake8

  • [Thibaut Lapierre] 74ce9d1 - -2 Unworking but devided ps time by 2

  • [epheo] 6af690e - Fix scheduling mono service

  • [epheo] b9798ef - Broken, too many recursions

  • [Thibaut Lapierre] 63860f5 - Optimize performances to 0.7sec per 100services

  • [Thibaut Lapierre] 0967561 - pep8

  • [Thibaut Lapierre] 47ec747 - fix key error and sched tests

  • [Thibaut Lapierre] 66da07e - Docker1.6 compatibility

  • [Thibaut Lapierre] ae5cba7 - IP for docker v1.6

  • [Thibaut Lapierre] c5df533 - Add new API Ip def

  • [Thibaut Lapierre] 34234fd - fix port bindings

  • [epheo] 50563fb - Fix ports binding

  • [epheo] bd0c41d - Change notation of IPs and Volumes to match Docker CLI

  • [epheo] 31e0ca3 - Configure Sphinx and document

  • [epheo] 65941a7 - Fix tests

  • [epheo] 1d8ecee - Configure Sphinx and document

  • [epheo] d7fb021 - Documenting

  • [epheo] a4ca61a - Documenting and Sphinx conf

  • [epheo] 9ddba74 - Fix multiple services with the same name, enhance clusters handeling and

  • [epheo] ee395da - Documentation and tests

  • [Thibaut Lapierre] df18ddd - Fix dockercheck

  • [Thibaut Lapierre] 78263d6 - Fix docker check for new docker api result

  • [Thibaut Lapierre] a7b6085 - Fix docker check for new dAPI

  • [epheo] 0d71ebe - Clean ops

  • [epheo] 979d0f2 - Add useless systemctl stuff, [to amend]

  • [epheo] 5c93931 - Clean model from unused opts and upgrade tox and pbr to py36

  • [Thibaut Lapierre] 085e50d - Doc

View full output

epheo commented

Build was fixed!