
Gimmicode is a small command-line utility displaying the Unicode code point of a an entered character.

Primary LanguageRubyDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL



Gimmicode is the contraction of "Give me Unicode". It's a small command-line utility written in ruby displaying the Unicode code point of a an entered character, as well as its name. Alternatively, it can also display the UTF-8 hexadecimal value and the Windows Alt code.

Quick Use

$ git clone git@github.com:fmaquin/gimmicode.git
$ cd Gimmicode/bin
$ ./gimmicode of [-a] <character>

You may need to escape characters or surround them with quotes.


Gimmicode ship with two commands, of and convert.


of is the command giving the unicode code point from the entered characters.

For instance:

$ ./gimmicode of "G"

For a complete description of all the options available, you can type gimmicode of -h:

-h, --help                       Show this message
-a, --all                        Display all codes (similar to -wu)
-w, --windows                    Display Windows alt codes
-u, --utf8                       Display UTF-8 codes
-d, --data DATAFILE              Check Unicode from the given file


convert is useful to convert the UnicodeData file available from Unicode.org into a readable format for the of command. A document describing the format is available at http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr44/.

For each code point, the convert command retrieve the current name as well as the pre-Unicode 3.0 name and write a JSON file with those data. This JSON file follows this convention:

    "00A0": {"unicode_new_name": "NO-BREAK SPACE",
             "unicode_old_name": "NON-BREAKING SPACE"},

For a complete description of all the options available, you can type gimmicode convert -h:

-h, --help                       Show this message
-i, --in UNICODEDATA             Unicode.org UnicodeData file
-o, --out UNICODEJSON            Converted JSON file


Gimmicode was made by Frédéric Maquin.


Licensed under the terms of the WTFPL (Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License).

Please see the LICENSE included with this distribution for details.