
Support for RTEMS

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Review support for RTEMS in light of the latest changes to the framework since the last RTEMS prototype.

First things to consider:

  • how to set up the binaries folder
  • new /dls_sw/rtems?
  • all versions or just the current version?
  • read up on the boot parameters and discuss the above with Paul

@coretl for comment.

coretl commented

Also need to consider how we get from binaries built locally and copied to a shared directory to k8s doing the copying

So I have solved all of this with the use of a nfsv2-tftp pod in the cluster. Including syncing to it from a devcontainer.

I am happy with this until the nfsv2/v4 thing is resolved and at that point we can make some decisions about where files are to go.

As per the above this has progressed and the RTEMS BSP plus base image for proxy are now in the org.