
Setting up JMeter under Swarm Mode


  1. Installing Docker 17.03 on all the cluster of nodes
  2. Setting up Swarm Mode Cluster( running atleast 1 master and n-number of Slave Nodes)
  3. Installing Docker Compose on the master node

1. Installing Docker 17.03 on all the cluster of nodes:

            $curl -sSL | sh

2. Setting up Swarm Mode Cluster:

On Master Node:

          $docker swarm init --listen-addr <master-ip>:2377 --advertise-addr <master-ip>:2377

On Slave Node:

          $docker swarm join --token <TOKEN> master-ip  <-- Run this command on all the slave nodes

3. Installing Docker Compose on the master node:

        $curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
          $chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Pulling the Repository

Login to master node and copy the repository:

            $cd jmeter-docker

Running Docker Compose locally

            $docker-compose up -d

Deploying services in Swarm Cluster with docker-compose

            $docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml  jmeter

It will push jmeter-master to the master node and jmeter-server to the slave nodes and make it ready to start load using the external JMX file.

            @master$ docker service ls
            ID            NAME                  MODE        REPLICAS  IMAGE
            1cey6tzk0c7b  jmeter_jmeter-master  replicated  1/1       epikurus/jmeter-master:latest
            u5ac3vgkphpf  jmeter_jmeter-slave   global      1/1       epikurus/jmeter-slave:latest

Let us verify these containers on both the nodes:

      @master:~$ docker ps
      CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                                                                            COMMAND                  CREATED              STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
      efd8ad49d932        epikurus/jmeter-master@sha256:09f1ec46eb291b706f4447aecf5fb7c900d05728e0e2fd899f5e8a80029a9d97   "/ /t..."   About a minute ago   Up About a minute   60000/tcp           jmeter_jmeter-master.1.i1engta4a0ofl4d8gywdpx7zl

Use the same command to verify on the slave nodes.

Pushing a JMX file into the container

   $docker exec -i <container-running-on-master-node> sh -c 'cat > /tests/jmeter-docker.jmx' < jmeter-docker.jmx

Starting the Load testing

  $docker exec -it <container-on-master-node> sh
  $jmeter -n -t /tests/<test-name>.jmx -R<list of containers running on slave nodes seperated by commas)

Handful Commands

Listing the Slave IPs

   $ docker inspect --format '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' $(docker ps -a -q)

Stopping all the containers in a single shot

   $docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)