
Python 3 Port

eltouco72 opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Currently Weevely does not work under Python3 (I tried i got a lot of import error messages)

Is a port to Python3 scheduled ? (I don't know Python enough to contribute to this)
Since some linux distribution now include Python3 by default and not Python2 it could be a useful feature



There is no plan to port it to Python 3 any time soon, but I'll keep this open for future development.


Hi @eltouco72,

I'm working on an py3k porting.

It's still in a very early stage, but the command like ls, cat should be work now.
If you really need python3 version and not in a very serious case, maybe you can give it a try.

I'm not a master in python, and not sure if I fully understand the code, so it's risky.

Many thanks for @epinna developed such a great program.

I just tried helping with this at #119

It has been ported to Python 3, feel free to try it.


Dear @samueloph, I release a version that fixes the pretty annoying issue #122 , you might want to package this when you have time.

@epinna Just uploaded 4.0.1-1, should hit the repositories soon, thanks for the heads up :)