
Weevely and custom cookies

plerixus opened this issue · 2 comments

I have ran into the same issue as issue #38.

There is weevely uploaded to the site which i can only access when i am logged in (I am able to login normally)
Except there are multiple cookies used when logging into the site.
I have also tried to change user agent to look like my browser.
Also when i click on the link i get to Download the file instead of previewing it.

It's not enough information to debug your issue.

Try :set debug True and run tail -f ~/.weevely/weevely.log to keep track of the exchanged data to understand if weevely client is sending the data you're expecting.

I ended up getting:
[D][php] PHP setup failed
[!][terminal] Backdoor communication failed: please check URL reachability and password