
provide a way to ship URIs and terms

Closed this issue · 3 comments

At the moment it is not really obvious if the string inside an XML-element is an URI or a term. Guessing the type is bad. At least the following attributes of a dataset/webservice should provide a way to distinguish between term and URI:

  • license
  • format
  • spatial reference system
  • spatial representation type

preferred this way:
<format href="http://my.uri/term" >term</format>

In ISO 19115 / ISO 19139 metadata, the typical structure to define this is:


There is also RS_Identifer:

        <gmd:codeSpace>CodeList of terms</gmd:codeSpace>
        <gmd:version>Version of code list</gmd:version>

this issue has been fixed in revised EPOS-DCAT-AP with RDF/turtle serialisation here:

It's great to know it has been fixed, but could you provided an example of how it's been fixed, rather than point to generic documentation.