
Objective-Javascript. Classes, instance methods, class methods, inheritance, superclass implementation calls (with correct this referencing) and more.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status Bitdeli Badge

Objective-JavaScript for everyday use. Minimalistic but readable API. Perfect base for a clean / extendable design. A single file called eppz!js!class.min.js is what you're looking for.


Creating classes, and instances are pretty straightforward.

// An imaginary View class.
var View = Class.extend
    id: '',
    div: null,

    construct: function(id)
        this.id = id;
    build: function()
        this.div = document.createElement('div');
        this.div.id = this.id;

var widget = new View('widget_1');
console.log(widget.id); // widget_1

Extend classes as well.

// An imaginary Widget class, subclass of View.
var Widget = View.extend
    construct: function(number)
        this.id = 'widget_'+number;

var widget = new Widget(1);
console.log(widget.id); // widget_1

Better using superclass implementation for maintainability, safety and peace.

// With super calls.
var Widget = View.extend
    construct: function(number)

var widget = new Widget(1);
console.log(widget.id); // widget_1

Or using class methods for factories and more.

// Cool factory methods.
var Widget = View.extend
    // No instance methods implemented.
    widgetWithNumber: function(number)
        return new this('widget_'+number);

var widget = Widget.widgetWithNumber(1);
console.log(widget.id); // widget_1

super calls

Many JavaScript class implementation does not take care of passing the correct this reference (calling instance) for superclass method calls. With eppz!js Class your super calls works as you'd expect.

var Widget = View.extend
    color: 'Default',

    getColorDescription: function()
        return 'My color is '+this.color+'.';

var BlueWidget = Widget.extend
    color: 'Blue',

    getColorDescription: function()
        return 'As you would expect. '+this.super.getColorDescription();

var widget = new BlueWidget();
console.log(widget.getColorDescription()); // As you would expect. My color is Blue.

There are class implementations out there that would output Default as color here. Actually the main reason I made this Class implementation was to get over this issue.

This method works over any amount of cascading super calls, as super references are bound right to the functions instead of the calling instance. Passing over the calling instance is done by a proxy object that wraps every superclass method into a function that does the job. See the implementation for further details if interested at all.


As soon as you define an Array property, enumerators will be synthesized for you upon instance construction.

var Alphabet = Class.extend
    letters: [],
    logLetters: function()
        this.enumerateLetters(function(eachLetter, eachIndex) // Created automagically.
        { console.log(eachIndex+': '+eachLetter); });

var alphabet = new Alphabet();
alphabet.letters = ['A','B','C','D'];
// 0: A
// 1: B
// 2: C
// 3: D

Property bindings

If a property map is present, accessors will be synthesized upon construction to keep properties synced. Great way to bind model changes to UI.

var Controller = Class.extend
        width: 20,
        div: null,

        construct: function()
            this.div = document.createElement('div');
        'width' : [ 'div.style.width', '%px' ]

var controller = new Controller();
console.log(controller.div.style.width); // 20px

controller.width = 40;
console.log(controller.div.style.width); // 40px


As a side effect, every object is equiped with keypath tools.

controller.setValueForKeyPath('20px', 'div.style.width');
console.log(controller.getValueForKeyPath('div.style.width')); // 20px

Instance type

If you define a className property, runtime instance will be named after. Easier debug, also you can use instanceof inspections.

var Widget = Class.extend
    className: 'Widget',

var widget = new Widget();
var test = (widget instanceof Widget);
console.log(test); // true


Beside this Class implementation this repository collects some tools for everyday JavaScript development, mainly for personal use. Can take a look at some Array and Element tools, though.


Licensed under the Open Source MIT license.

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