
Serial Modbus RTU to RFM95 LoRa bridge

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Serial Modbus RTU to RFM95 LoRa bridge

This project demonstrates how to perform MODBUS message transmission over LoRa using RFM95 modules.

Here we are using a NanoPi or Raspberry Pi board which transmits to an Arduino MEGA board. The 2 boards are equipped with RFM95 shields.


On Pi, you must install the following libraries:

On Arduino, you must install the following libraries:

It will be necessary to activate encryption in RadioHead as indicated at the beginning of the sketch rf95_modbus_slave_tester!

Install on the Pi board

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/epsilonrt/rf95-rtu-bridge
cd rf95-rtu-bridge
git submodule init
git submodule update
codelite &

Build and Execute on the Pi board

Possibly modify the constants at the beginning of main.cpp according to your board :

const int LedPin = 0;
const int WireBus = 2;
const uint8_t CsPin = 10;
const uint8_t Dio0Pin = 0;

const float frequency = 868.0;

You can use tty0tty to install virtual serial ports.

After installing virtual ports, build with codelite and run as root :

cd Release
sudo ./rf95_rtu_bridge /dev/tnt0

If you want to enable AES128 encryption, you can supply an encryption key with the -k option:

sudo ./rf95_rtu_bridge --key 1234567890abcdef /dev/tnt0

It will of course be necessary to ensure that the same encryption key is configured in the Arduino sketch!!


The command has a help page:

$ ./rf95_rtu_bridge -h
rf95_rtu_bridge [OPTION]... serial_port
  serial_port:  serial port path, eg /dev/ttyUSB0, /dev/tnt1...
Allowed options:
  -h, --help                   produce help message
  -v, --verbose                be verbose
  -D, --daemon                 be daemonized
  -b, --baudrate arg (=38400)  set serial baudrate
  -k, --key arg                secret key for AES128 encryption, must be 16 characters long

Build and Execute on the Arduino board

Upload the Arduino/rf95_modbus_slave_tester sketch to an Arduino board equipped with an RFM95 shield.


Don't forget to modify the encryption key and pass isEncrypted to true if you use encryption.

Send Modbus messages from Pi Board

You can then use mbpoll to send a test modbus command :

 mbpoll -m rtu -b38400 -a20 -t0 -r1 -c3 -v /dev/tnt1
