
400 error when module tries to set up bgp connection to network edge device

cprivitere opened this issue · 0 comments

When attempting to make the bgp connection between AWS and the Network Edge switch, I got a 400 error.

So when it got to this step:

module.equinix-fabric-connection-aws.equinix_network_bgp.this[0]: Creating...

It hits this error:

 Error: Equinix REST API error: Message: "Bad Request", HTTPCode: 400, ApplicationErrors: [Code: "EQ-4000023", Property: "", Message: "Limited to 6 to 80 characters and can contain most special characters", AdditionalInfo: ""] 

   with module.equinix-fabric-connection-aws.equinix_network_bgp.this[0],
   on .terraform/modules/equinix-fabric-connection-aws/main.tf line 84, in resource "equinix_network_bgp" "this":
   84: resource "equinix_network_bgp" "this" {

Here's the request terraform sent:

---[ REQUEST ]---------------------------------------
POST /ne/v1/bgp HTTP/1.1
Host: api.equinix.com
User-Agent: HashiCorp Terraform/1.2.3 (+https://www.terraform.io) Terraform Plugin SDK/2.9.0 terraform-provider-equinix/dev equinix/ne-go
Content-Length: 205
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip

 "connectionUuid": "********-****-****-****-***********",
 "localIpAddress": "",
 "localAsn": 65000,
 "remoteAsn": 64512,
 "remoteIpAddress": "",
 "authenticationKey": "0xN4Fr1issiekPad.iAq1mL5"

And here's the result received:

---[ RESPONSE ]--------------------------------------
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Connection: close
Content-Length: 345
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2022 21:28:48 GMT
Server: istio-envoy
X-Application-Context: nfv-services-microservice:prod_aws_usw1:9030
X-Envoy-Upstream-Service-Time: 183

  "errorCode": "EQ-4000023",
  "errorMessage": "Limited to 6 to 80 characters and can contain most special characters",
  "help": "https://<domain.name>/help/error/EQ-4000023",
  "details": "Please confirm the data types and values in the request body, then try again.",
  "correlationId": null,
  "additionalInfo": [
    "property": "authenticationKey",
    "reason": null