
subsequent applies triggers hybrid network_type errors

displague opened this issue · 0 comments

After an initial apply, the network type of the nodes has been set to hybrid (hybrid-unbonded) by Terraform, and then converted to layer2-bonded by python scripts.

After a refresh and subsequent apply, Terraform wants to set the network type back to hybrid, which undoes the python script and results in the following error:

[8:43 AM] │ Error: POST https://api.equinix.com/metal/v1/ports/21a5929e-7503-4ee9-bbab-5d689dd1c6e8/convert/layer-3: 422 The port already has a public IPv4 assignment, The port already has a private IPv4 assignment, The port already has a public IPv6 assignment 

One way to avoid this would be to use hybrid-bonded mode by removing the explicit network_type resources.