
API bug (?): BGP session not listed in BGP config

Opened this issue · 2 comments

t0mk commented

BGP session is not listed in project BGP config. I have session with a device in a project and the sessions attribute of the project is empty list. The BGP session has status: down.

Project BGP config:

tomk@air ~/packngo111 ±master » packet-cli call-api /projects/d47b1bc3-47bd-468d-a673-e1c2c1015c5a/bgp-config
{'asn': 65000,
 'created_at': '2019-01-08T14:12:30Z',
 'deployment_type': 'local',
 'href': '/bgp-configs/8df440cc-8357-4cff-94f8-38cc614fa42e',
 'id': '8df440cc-8357-4cff-94f8-38cc614fa42e',
 'max_prefix': 10,
 'md5': 'C179c28c41a85b',
 'project': {'href': '/projects/d47b1bc3-47bd-468d-a673-e1c2c1015c5a'},
 'ranges': [],
 'requested_at': '2019-01-08T14:12:31Z',
 'route_object': None,
 'sessions': [],                                            <---------- EMPTY 
 'status': 'enabled'}

Device nin the project

tomk@air ~/packngo111 ±master » packet-cli call-api /devices/60ecff2a-0ed5-4f32-871b-9d1fb1ab026f
 'hostname': 'terraform-test-bgp-sesh',
 'id': '60ecff2a-0ed5-4f32-871b-9d1fb1ab026f',
 'project': {'href': '/projects/d47b1bc3-47bd-468d-a673-e1c2c1015c5a'},

BGP session:

tomk@air ~/packngo111 ±master » packet-cli call-api /bgp/sessions/b39275c5-2c00-4e19-88c6-64c455d72d9d
{'address_family': 'ipv4',
 'created_at': '2019-01-08T14:13:29Z',
 'device': {'href': '/devices/60ecff2a-0ed5-4f32-871b-9d1fb1ab026f'},
 'href': '/bgp/sessions/b39275c5-2c00-4e19-88c6-64c455d72d9d',
 'id': 'b39275c5-2c00-4e19-88c6-64c455d72d9d',
 'learned_routes': [],
 'status': 'down',
 'switch_name': 'esr1.d09.ewr1.packet.net',
 'updated_at': '2019-01-08T15:57:39Z'}

Hey @t0mk, it seems like this a caching issue in our API.

It also seems to cache the session if you remove it. I made an internal issue to have this resolved.

@pereztr5 or @patrickdevivo any updates on this?