
Test packngo against newest Go versions

vielmetti opened this issue · 4 comments

Currently packngo tests against Go 1.12; it would be useful to also have testing for the latest, which is Go 1.14, and for the version used in the Terraform integration, Go 1.13.

t0mk commented

I created 2 PRs to see how the Drone CI tests behave in Go 1.13 and Go 1.14.
#177 #178

t0mk commented

I merged a PR fix to proper 1.13 support. There's also a git branch go1.14 (and open PR from it), which can be used by projects that only use Go 1.14. It can apparently use the same dependencies, the only difference is version numbers in Makefile, drone.yml and go.mod. Since it's also a PR, it can run the basic Drone tests on demand.

I think the Go version support is either-or, it can be only one. I keep it to 1.13 so that the Terraform provider is happy with it, but I think it might work even when I bump the packngo Go version to 1.14. Let me know if that's what you'd like to do.

I think that staying in sync with Terraform is a good bet, but I'd defer to @deitch to know what version(s) need testing for the Kubernetes integrations that depend on this.

We are currently testing against 1.14 and 1.15.