
Satellite site for sepanddep

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Satellite site for sepanddep

We need a satellite site for "Sepanddep".
Would it be easier to rename the one we created for Dudgeon https://studio-dudgeon-equinor-web-sites-preprod.c2.radix.equinor.com/dudgeon/desk/topicContent - since we haven't gotten any input for it yet (but expect to get it "at some point"), or should we create a new satellite site for it?

@meols New satellite site is the best.., as we need not redo when dudgeon is needed..

Thanks @padms - then please create a satellite site.

@meols Hello Mette, the dataset quota has reached it's maximum capacity on sanity. Please take a look.

@meols I deleted the "global-test" dataset which we are not using anymore to make up some space for the new one, but we are unable to create then new dataset even after deleting.

On hold due to an ongoing discussion regarding satellite sites.