
Move example plugins to cookiecutter

anders-kiaer opened this issue · 1 comments

Originally, when webviz-config was prototyped, there were made some dummy Example plugins show casing different features of the plugin framework.

Today there are other simple plugins in webviz-config which both shows how plugins are structured, and which have real use cases. We also have made a cookiecutter boilerplate repository which is today intended to be the place to show how a plugin project can be structured.

Remove Example prefixed plugins (https://github.com/equinor/webviz-config/tree/master/webviz_config/generic_plugins) in this repository, and perhaps show case some of the features by extending the sample plugins in the cookie cutter repository that exists today? https://github.com/equinor/webviz-plugin-boilerplate

These lines can be simplified when (re)moving the dummy Example plugins:

plugin_doc = [
for plugin in _get_webviz_plugins(webviz_config.plugins)
if not plugin[0].startswith("Example")