
Game Cross-Type Markup Language is A HTML DOM-Based Lightweight Game Library On Your Web!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Game Cross-Type Markup Language

HTML DOM-Based Lightweight Game Library, it's not using <canvas></canvas>
but actually it's just manipulate DOM-Object <div> with CSS transformation

Get Started

Create your simple own game with GXTML and there's no need <canvas> again
bring your game to window on your web. Now lets goo :v

      // Add game object
      box: GXTML.rect(0,0,100,100,'red'),

      // Initialize or load game
          G.box.border = 'black';
      // While game update frame
          G.box.move(1, 0);

Play Animation

Interactive object with Sprite and Animation on your game?
don't worry about it. We have that features! Here we go...

          // $ dollar's mean an index-number like [0,1,2,3] of each .png files
          G.player.anim("assets/RUN/$.png", 3, 2);

Collision Detect

How we build a game without collision? We a have a Collision!
but now (v0.1.0) don't support fully collision features :'v like Box2D

          // Detect when player collided with enemy

Experimental Version

Thanks for you who have try this Experimental Project version of (v0.1.0)
we hopes that you have interested with this library and want to contribute!

see you next release (>w<) ~ equneko