Can't use entr in `.xinitrc`. My system will freeze at X startup. why?
LinArcX opened this issue · 2 comments
LinArcX commented
I want to run this command at the start of my X session:
echo ~/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/Default/Bookmarks | entr sh -c "cp /home/linarcx/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/Default/Bookmarks /home/linarcx/VoidConf/home/.config/Bookmarks" &
So i put it inside my .xinitrc:
umlockx on &
dunst &
alacritty &
/home/linarcx/brave/brave-browser &
emacsclient -s /var/run/user/1000/emacs/server -c -n -a emacs &
echo ~/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/Default/Bookmarks | entr sh -c "cp /home/linarcx/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/Default/Bookmarks /home/linarcx/VoidConf/home/.config/Bookmarks" &
case $session in
dwm ) exec dwm;;
i3|i3wm ) exec i3;;
pantheon ) exec gnome-session --session=pantheon;;
gnome ) exec gnome-session;;
gnome-classic ) exec gnome-session --session=gnome-classic;;
deepin ) exec startdde;;
xfce|xfce4 ) exec startxfce4;;
kde ) exec startkde;;
cinnamon ) exec cinnamon-session;;
mate ) exec mate-session;;
stumpwm ) exec stumpwm;;
* ) exec $1;;
The problem is that whenever i run: xinit dwm
, the system will freeze and i can't see anything. I don't know why this happens. Any idea?
OS: VoidLinux
WindowsManager: DWM
eradman commented
If you run ps -x
do you see entr
in the state T
If so you can fix this by adding -n
to avoid opening STDIN
LinArcX commented
BTW, I could use inotifywait
to solve my issue:
while true; do
inotifywait ~/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/Default/Bookmarks >/dev/null 2>&1; cp /home/linarcx/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/Default/Bookmarks /home/linarcx/VoidConf/home/.config/Bookmarks
done &