
Move "Hide Tweet" menu item to always be at the bottom of the menu list

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi there!

I use both the Hide Tweet and Mute Hashtags features of BTD, but the Hide Tweet item is always situated at the same place in the actions list, which can make it very tedious to find when there are lots of hashtags in a tweet.

I believe it would be great to be able to have the Hide Tweet as a last item of the list always, as to make it more practical to use in all situations, whereas muting hashtags always require you to browse through the list of them anyway, making that feature unaffected.

Thank you, have a wonderful day!

I consider Better TweetDeck to be in a feature freeze state due to the impending release of the newer TweetDeck and will instead shift my focus to building an alternative client. As such, I'm marking this issue as closed for the time being.
See the following issue for details #848