
"Phantom" muted word.

richardm1 opened this issue · 1 comments

The BetterTdeck mute feature is unintentionally muting the phrase "or".

Steps to reproduce the behavior:
None needed (in my case). This mute was present immediately after install.

Expected behavior:
No accounts muted when the muted phrase list is empty. See attached screenshots.


  • OS: Windows 11
  • Browser: Edge ("Edgium")
  • Version 103.0.1264.62

Edit: Bug is not present in Chrome 103.0.5060.134.

Edit2: ....aaaand I've updated Edge to 103.0.1264.71 and the bug is gone. Perhaps the browser restart fixed it? I'll try to reproduce the issue in a VM with a "pristine" copy of Edge + BetterTDeck.

The bug has nothing to do with browser upgrades or restarts. My results varied based on how much of my tweetdeck had loaded before checking for the bug. I'll close this and open a new report with better information.