revise Additional Synonyms 362-358
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362 Synonyms of Back
1 paścātkarīya, pr̥ṣṭhā⟨sthi⟩, pr̥ṣṭhya, kaśeru, ṅa valakaṅ.
The parallel AK 2.5.78a: uro vatsaṃ ca vakṣaś ca pr̥ṣṭhaṃ tu caramṁ tanoḥ is probably only relevant for section 361, so you can remove it here. More relevant parallels are:
- AK 2.5.667 syāc charīrāsthni kaṅkālaḥ pr̥ṣṭhāsthni tu kaśerukā
- AbhCM 627ab kapālakarparau tulyau pṛṣṭhasyāsthni kaśerukā |
- AbhiRM 632–634 asthīni dhātukīkasakulyāni bhavanti tulyāni || 632 || śarīrasyāsthi kaṅkālaṃ tathā syād asthipañjaram | śiraso'sthi karoṭiḥ syāt kapālaṃ śakalaṃ ca tat || 633 || śākhāsthi nalakaṃ proktaṃ pṛṣṭhasyāsthi kaseru ca |
- ŚRĀ asthi kulyaṁ kīkasañ ca kaṅkālo dehakīkase | kaśerukā kaśeruḥ strī pṛṣṭhāsthani bhaved dvayam ||
Note AbhRM reading kaseru instead of kaśeru — nevertheless, along with ŚRĀ, this is one of the rare kośa texts which has kaśeru without suffix -ka/-kā.
The reading paścātkarīya is a word that doesn't exist and hardly makes sense in the context. I am not sure what was intended. Perhaps paścāccharīra in the analytic spelling paścāt-śarīra? I am not sure what is the meaning of the following Kośakalpataru verse.
paścāccharīre kariṇāṃ striyāṃ tu
bhavej jarāyau carame'dhunārthe |
ārvāgbhave bhedyasamaṃ vadanti
dantacchade puṃsi tathādharaḥ syāt || 83 ||
As for your apparatus:
- ^4713. paścātkarīya] J2, om.paśca EdLC, lac. J3 (larger gap), lac. J1 (larger gap)
-- I don't understand the EdLC rdg. I would use lac. instead of om. also for LC.
-- J1 should be cited before J3. - ^4714. pr̥ṣṭhā⟨sthi⟩] conj., om. EdLC, śr̥ṣṭa J2, lac. J3 (larger gap), lac. J1 (larger gap)
- ^4715. pr̥ṣṭhya, kaśeru] em., om.keru EdLC, ...]keruh J1, pr̥ṣṭa, kakeruh J2, lac. J3 (larger gap)
-- I don't understand the EdLC rdg. I would use lac. instead of om. also for LC.
-- J1 should be cited before J3.
361 Synonyms of Chest
1 ura, vakṣa, bhujāntara, ṅa ḍaḍa.
I suggest using 'Breast' instead of 'Chest' (as the latter is a hononym, also having the meaning 'Box').
In the parallels you cite, I am surprised by your usage of letters b and a. Nornally half verses should be referred to as ab or cd.
syānna >> syān na
caramṁ tanoḥ >> caramaṁ tanoḥ
AbhRM has a relevant parallel in 527ab: bhujamadhyam uro vakṣo hṛdayasthānaṃ ca vatsam icchanti |
Here, bhujamadhya is an equivalent of bhujāntara, presumably used metri cause.
360 Synonyms of Chin
1 cubuka, ṅa jaṅgut.
You should accept LC's em. cibuka, which is well attested including in several kośa texts, some of which you can cite.
359 Synonyms of Gray Hair
1 palita, śvetakeśa, ṅa huvan.
It is interesting that śvetakeśa as such is not commonly attested, and does not figure in Patel's kośa corpus, but the Vācapastya contains
paliknī strī palitā vṛddhā strī chandasi kna vā ṅīp pā° kna ṅīp. 1 śvetakeśāyāṃ vṛddhāyāṃ striyāṃ yaju° 30 15 loke tu na. palitā ityeva. 2 vālagarbhiṇyāṃ strīgavyāma hemaca°.
Source: Bhaṭṭācārya: Vācaspatyam (6 Vol). Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series 94, reprint of the 1873-1884 edition. Varanasi: 1962. And indeed it is attested in some literary context, like this one from Jānakīharaṇa (which, according to Tom Hunter, was known in Java):
JH 10.7: kālena śirasi nyastaiḥ śvetakeśaśitāṅkuśaiḥ / nivartante hi kāmebhyo bhadrā rāghavadantinaḥ //
Of course you can also cite
- AK palitaṃ jarasā śauklyaṃ keśādau visrasā jarā |
- AbhRM 532cd: palitaṃ pāṇḍurāḥ keśā vratināṃ tu jaṭā saṭā ||
- according to Vaijayantī, Rabhasakośa had a reading close to yours: rabhasaḥ palitaṃ śvitram ete'pi triṣu dharmiṇi || 144 ||. But that citation is not included in the compilation of Rabhasakośa citations that Patel has digitized.
358 Synonyms of Cemetery
1 śmaśāna, pitr̥vana, ṅa sma.
Edit səma. I have the feeling that this word is not found in relatively early OJ texts, so it occurrence here may be a sign of lateness of this part of CK.
- AK śmaśānaṃ syāt pitṛvanaṃ kuṇapaḥ śavam astriyām ||
- AbhRM 638cd śmaśānaṃ syāt pitṛvanaṃ citā cityā ca kathyate ||