
[Contao 4.5.X] article order doesn't effect navigation order

denniserdmann opened this issue · 5 comments

It looks like articles are sorted by id and not their order in the article structure.

To reproduce:

  1. create 2 articles with onepage-navigation
  2. switch order for articles or create the second before the first article

My tests (Contao 4.4.7) actually showed the correct order after reordering and/or creating articles in a different order than what their IDs represent. Can you please recheck on your install?

You're right. This is a problem in Contao 4.5.X, not in Contao 4.4.X.
Took me 1 hour to find this out.

So is it a known issue in 4.5.x and we don't need to change anything?

I don't think so.