
Error when scrolling to top of the page

operatorone opened this issue · 7 comments

When I scroll to the top of the page I'll get an error in the console and the .active class in the navigation stops working:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'element' of null
at Waypoint.$section.waypoint.offset [as callback] ((index):915)
at Waypoint.trigger (jquery.waypoints.js:59)
at Group.flushTriggers (jquery.waypoints.js:531)
at Context.handleScroll (jquery.waypoints.js:308)
at scrollHandler (jquery.waypoints.js:251)
$section.waypoint.offset @ (index):915
Waypoint.trigger @ jquery.waypoints.js:59
Group.flushTriggers @ jquery.waypoints.js:531
Context.handleScroll @ jquery.waypoints.js:308
scrollHandler @ jquery.waypoints.js:251
requestAnimationFrame (async)
Waypoint.requestAnimationFrame @ jquery.waypoints.js:476
(anonymous) @ jquery.waypoints.js:258
dispatch @ 6f03d58933ec.js:3
r.handle @ 6f03d58933ec.js:3

The line navActive(; causes the error in the following section.

 $section.waypoint(function(direction) {
    if (direction === 'up') {
        var previousWaypoint = this.previous();
           if($(this.element).hasClass('onepage_article')) {
           // change url to active link
              history.pushState("", "", '#' +;
         } else {
                   history.pushState("", "", '#' +;

Can you send me the link to your project via email?

I can confirm that. any fix on this issue yet?

@wschwaiger Can you send me the link to your project via email?

I have the same issue under Contao 4.9.5, any fixes in sight?

@Ainschy Can you send me the link to your project via email?

Got a lot of „same here“, but when i checked it, it was another error that caused it.

Dank eines anderen Issues und der Erwähnung des Dev-Branchs konnte ich mein Problem beheben.

I had the same Problem, (Updated from 3.5 to 4.9, installed this Plugin, because the other was to old).
I Overwritten the Manger Installation with Dev State and File /master/src/Hooks/OnepageHooks.php.
It's Work.

The Page Layout is, one Normal Navigation and under the OnePageNavigation.