Support scientific notation of title
zxdawn opened this issue · 1 comments
zxdawn commented
If we fit the data which has small values, then the loc and scale are all zero.
>>> print(dist.model)
{'distr': <scipy.stats._continuous_distns.lognorm_gen object at 0x7f3ed6e8e9a0>, 'stats': 'RSS', 'params': (0.16244674220470803, -2.9009343867951488e-05, 3.154691365893712e-05), 'name': 'lognorm', 'model': <scipy.stats._distn_infrastructure.rv_frozen object at 0x7f3ec551f490>, 'score': 2201474051.037151, 'loc': -2.9009343867951488e-05, 'scale': 3.154691365893712e-05, 'arg': (0.16244674220470803,), 'CII_min_alpha': -4.859578914018569e-06, 'CII_max_alpha': 1.2200488331361844e-05}
erdogant commented
Thanks for noticing. I created an update with a scientific notation for the title text.
Version should be >= 1.4.4 and update with:
pip install -U distfit