Hi there! I am sharing my knowledge with the world through my blogs and open-source GitHub projects.

Your ❤️ is important to keep maintaining my packages. It is awsome that there are readily millions of downloads but to keep the libraries alive, I often need to make all kinds of fixes. This can eat up my entire weekend and evenings. Yes, I do this for free and in my free time! There are various ways you can help. You can report bugs/ issues, or even better help out with fixing bugs or maybe adding new features! If you don't have the time or maybe you are still learning, you can also take a Medium Membership using my referral link to keep reading all my hands-on blogs and learn more :-) If you don't need that, there is always an easy way with Coffee :-) Cheers!

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A structured list of my repos

All Repos can be found in the Repositories section. If Sphinx pages are available, the link will directly go to the documentation pages.

Statistics Machine learning (Time)Series Vizualization Utils API
bnlearn clusteval findpeaks d3graph df2onehot googletrends
hnet classeval temporalrank d3heatmap pypickle slacki
distfit hgboost caerus treeplot ismember  
pca clustimage   kaplanmeier irelease  
thompson undouble   flameplot pypiplot  
benfordslaw     worldmap dicter  

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Overview of open issues

d3blocks bnlearn hnet distfit pca benfordslaw clustimage undouble clusteval classeval hgboost findpeaks d3graph d3heatmap treeplot kaplanmeier ismember dicter