
Unable to vault file to Innovator v12

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This code works with Innovator v11sp12, but not with v12

UploadCommand uCommand = connection.CreateUploadCommand(); uCommand.AddFile(arasFileItem.Id(), arasFileItem.LocalFile); connection.Apply(uCommand).AssertNoError();

With Innovator v12 I've got the exception with response 404 from Innovator inside it.

I think the problem is that TransactionalUploadCommand.Commit calls the inherited from UploadComand UploadAndApply. But this procedure uses the protocol and soap actions for previous versions of innovator.
If I comment out lines from 41 through 45 in TransactionalUploadComand.cs, i.e.

//if (_transactionId == null && !Files.Any(f => f.UploadPromise != null)) //{ // _lastPromise = UploadAndApply(async) //} //else
I can vault the file to Innovator v12.
Of course, this is not the solution, but I do not have enough knowledge about Innovator , and especially about Innovator.Client source to offer more.

I'll have to do some more testing with that. In the meantime, if you use uCommand.UploadFile (instead of uCommand.AddFile), it definitely should work as I have been using that with a v12 instance.
Hello, I met a similar issue with innovator.client version 2020.2.23.1756, against Aras 12 SP9. I followed the cookbook paragraph "Upload a file to the vault" and got the exception "Innovator.Client.HttpException: NotFound". The workaround is to use the method UploadFile but I was not able to do it in one step. I had to do it in 2 steps: 1. vault a file, 2. create a relationship Document File to the File. The code is uploaded. Please is there a better way how to do it?