
ValueError: frame_size, frame_overlap not correctly configured

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I tested 10000 records of random data with frame_size = 50

    138         if not frame_size > 0.0 or not frame_overlap > 0.0 or frame_size < frame_overlap:
    139             raise ValueError(
--> 140                 'frame_size, frame_overlap not correctly configured.')
    142         # unique time points

ValueError: frame_size, frame_overlap not correctly configured.

Could you please tell me what parameters you used to call the method?

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from st_dbscan import ST_DBSCAN
# create a 3d data set, e,x,y
df.e = (df.e * 86400)+86400
# normalize the data 
df['x'] = (df['x'] - df['x'].min()) / (df['x'].max() - df['x'].min())
df['y'] = (df['y'] - df['y'].min()) / (df['y'].max() - df['y'].min())
# transform to numpy array
data = df.loc[:, ['e','x','y']].values
st_dbscan.fit_frame_split(data, frame_size = 50)

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)

<timed eval> in <module>

C:\p\via37\lib\lib\site-packages\st_dbscan\ in fit_frame_split(self, X, frame_size, frame_overlap)
    138         if not frame_size > 0.0 or not frame_overlap > 0.0 or frame_size < frame_overlap:
    139             raise ValueError(
--> 140                 'frame_size, frame_overlap not correctly configured.')
    142         # unique time points

ValueError: frame_size, frame_overlap not correctly configured.

Can you tell me which version of st_dbscan you are using? I cannot replicate the error. See the screenshot below.

Screen Shot 2020-12-09 at 09 01 24

Can you place %%time on the first line in cell 4, i'm interested to learn how long this takes. Thank you.

See below - hope this helps you.

CPU times: user 8.61 s, sys: 118 ms, total: 8.72 s
Wall time: 8.83 s
<st_dbscan.st_dbscan.ST_DBSCAN at 0x7fdd5944a310>

Does this resolve the issue for you?