
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Sashen Rexhepaj (MD)

Elton Rexhepaj (PhD)

Aphasia personalized AI therapy

APHASIA is defined as a language disorder resulting from damage to the brain (Davis, 2007). However, in addition to the language disability, aphasia produces significant psychosocial consequences for the person with aphasia and family members .In Albania we have a small number of therapist and large number of patients 300-400 / year . Patients and their relatives suffer from a considerable amount of professional, social, familial, and psychological stress . Through counseling as a scope of practice, Speech Language Pathologist tend to avoid emotional issues in therapy . This project intend to create an online counseling software to deal with the large number of patients . This software will generate a database of verbal and audio expression from patients , familiars and SPL . This database will be used as a trace for a self counseling software . The database will be improved with audios and texts in Albanian with the help of the SPL students in collaboration with the Faculty of Technical Medical Science .

Capsule aim

Create an AI-based counseling software to deal in personalised way with the large number of patients with aphasia .


1-Create an Albanian online software for counseling aphasia patients - therapist , familiar-therapist .

2-Create Albanian Aphasic dictionaries

3-Create an auto-counseling software , pc-patients , pc –familiars


Use Cases


Data Source
