- This is a reproduction of the paper.
- Control output is thrust and torque.
[1] Lee, Taeyoung, Melvin Leoky, and N. Harris McClamroch. "Geometric tracking control of a quadrotor UAV on SE (3)." Decision and Control (CDC), 2010 49th IEEE Conference on. IEEE, 2010. ##THANKS!! The codes are based on the frame of (https://github.com/Jaeyoung-Lim/mavros_controllers)
Geometric controller publishes and subscribes the following topics.
Published Topics
- mavros/actuator_contro l( mavros_msgs::ActuatorControl )
- reference/pose ( geometry_msgs/PoseStamped )
Subscribed Topics
- reference/setpoint ( geometry_msgs/TwistStamped )
- /mavros/state ( mavr0s_msgs/State )
- /mavros/local_position/pose ( geometry_msgs/PoseStamped )
- /gazebo/model_states( gazebo_msgs/ModelStates )
- /mavros/local_position/velocity( geometry_msgs/TwistStamped )
Trajectory publisher publishes continous trajectories to the trajectory_controller.
- /trajectory_publisher/initpos_x (default: 0.0)
- /trajectory_publisher/initpos_y (default: 0.0)
- /trajectory_publisher/initpos_z (default: 1.0)
- /trajectory_publisher/updaterate (default: 0.01)
- /trajectory_publisher/horizon (default: 1.0)
- /trajectory_publisher/maxjerk (default: 10.0)
- /trajectory_publisher/trajectory_type (default: 0)
- /trajectory_publisher/number_of_primitives (default: 7)
- /trajectory_publisher/shape_radius (default: 1.0)
Published Topics
- reference/trajectory ( nav_msgs/Path )
- reference/setpoint ( geometry_msgs/TwistStamped )
Subscribed Topics
- /trajectory_publisher/motionselector (std_msgs/int32);
- /mavros/local_position/pose ( geometry_msgs/PoseStamped )
- /mavros/local_position/velocity( geometry_msgs/TwistStamped )