
3D Pose Estimation based on point clouds

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

3D Pose Estimation

This project features an object recognition pipeline to recognize and localize objects in a scene based on a variety of local features. Point clouds are given in the PCD format. By modularizing different techniques for

  • Point cloud manipulation
  • Feature description
  • Keypoint extraction
  • Transformation estimation
  • Pose refinement
  • Hypothesis verification,

the project aims at providing an experimentation platform that allows for fast evaluation of different 3d recognition methods.


PC Model Pose Estimation


  • PCL >=1.8 built with C++11 support (requires VTK >=6.0.1, Eigen ~3.2.0)
  • CMake >=3.1
  • GCC >=4.9
  • BOOST ~1.54
  • NLopt

Additionally, for Unit Testing, CppUnit is required.


$ ./PoseEstimation (--folder foldername)|(model1.pcd model2.pcd ...) scene.pcd

Find instances of a single model or a collection of models in a scene. Using the --folder CLI argument, a directory containing .pcd files representing the model candidates can be provided. Note that only the first .pcd file will be used as the input cloud for the optimization step to find good pose estimation parameters before the actual pipeline is executed on all models from the collection.

For each input model, every scene object is tested for descriptor correspondences. If the transformation estimation succeeds between an input model and a scene object, the system outputs the transformation matrix to transform the input model to the scene object, and the average of the correspondence distances ("uncertainty", between 0 and 1, the lower the more confident is the matching) between the two point clouds.


$ ./PoseEstimation --folder objects book.pcd

Load point clouds from directory "objects" (which contains 3 models) and find the best match with the scene point cloud.

The system prints out possible instances for each of those 3 models by showing the transformation matrices and uncertainties for each of the candidates.

Model 1

% Matching results for point cloud objects/book.pcd:
% Uncertainty: 0.343348
% Verified transformation(s):
    0.999768   0.00828556   -0.0198561     0.514141
 -0.00852746      0.99989   -0.0121292    0.0103949
   0.0197534    0.0122957     0.999729 -0.000965119
           0            0            0            1
Matching objects/book.pcd finished in 00:00:03.868636

Model 2

% Matching results for point cloud objects/mustard_centered.pcd:
% Uncertainty: 0.597509
% Verified transformation(s):
-0.726818  0.282834  0.625891  0.522188
-0.674479 -0.121883 -0.728164 0.0735832
-0.129664 -0.951393  0.279353  0.586207
        0         0         0         1
Matching objects/mustard_centered.pcd finished in 00:00:00.669852

Model 3

% Matching results for point cloud objects/book2.pcd:
% Uncertainty: 0.460474
% Verified transformation(s):
   0.999502 0.00724483 -0.0307228   0.519118
-0.00631464   0.999522  0.0302664  0.0159141
  0.0309274 -0.0300573    0.99907  0.0193727
          0          0          0          1
Matching objects/book2.pcd finished in 00:00:02.328845


Since Model 1 had the lowest uncertainty, it is presented as the best matching candidate:

% The best matching point cloud is "objects/book.pcd" with an uncertainty of 0.343348.

After computing possible transformations, the scene point cloud and all model point clouds (translated by 0.5 units in x, see main.cpp:116) are visualized. The blue square-shaped points represent keypoints and the lines between them symbolize the descriptor correspondences. The model transformation candidates are displayed in different colors with some transparency. Successful transformation instances which were validated by the Hypothesis Verification step are highlighted in lime green.

PC Model Pose Estimation


The system can be configured via its command line interface. Issue $ PoseEstimation -h to get a descriptive overview of all the available CLI parameters (similar to the table below).

A more comfortable way of setting the parameters is by providing a JSON file. The system stores such a file on each run and will read from the same file again to obtain the current settings. Configuration parameters are stored in a modular fashion following the system's ensemble of components, e.g. transformation estimators, feature descriptors, etc.

The following parameters are available:

Parameter Name Description Type, Default value, Constraints
uniformdown Downsampling using uniform filtering
uniformdown_size Sample size ([float] 1) constraints: (>= 1), (<= 10)
voxelgrid Downsampling using Voxel grid filtering
voxelgrid_size Leaf size of the voxel grid ([float] 3) constraints: (>= 1), (<= 10)
uniform Keypoint extraction using Uniform Sampling
uniform_r Search radius for the uniform keypoint extraction ([float] 3.294)
iss Keypoint extraction using Intrinsic Shape Signatures (ISS)
iss_threads Number of threads to use for ISS keypoint extraction ([int] 4)
iss_nn Minimum number of neighbors to consider for ISS keypoint extraction ([float] 3)
iss_thresh21 ISS Threshold 21 ([float] 0.975)
iss_thresh32 ISS Threshold 32 ([float] 0.975)
iss_salient_r Salient radius for ISS keypoint extraction ([float] 3)
iss_nonmax_r Non maxima suppression radius for ISS keypoint extraction ([float] 8)
USC Feature description using Unique Shape Context (USC)
USC_search_r Search radius for finding neighbors ([float] 25) constraints: (> pc_normal_nn)
USC_min_r Minimum radius of the search sphere ([float] 5)
USC_density_r Points within this radius are used to calculate the local point density ([float] 10)
USC_LRF_r Local Reference Frame (LRF) radius of USC descriptor ([float] 25)
SI Feature description using Spin Images (SI)
SI_search_r Search radius for finding neighbors ([float] 5) constraints: (> pc_normal_nn)
RSD Feature description using Radius-based Surface Descriptor (RSD)
RSD_search_r Search radius for finding neighbors ([float] 5) constraints: (> pc_normal_nn)
RSD_plane_r Maximum radius, above which everything can be considered planar (should be 10-20 times RSD_search_r) ([float] 30)
RSD_save_hist Whether to save histograms ([bool] 0)
RIFT Feature description using Rotation Invariant Feature Transform (RIFT)
RIFT_normal_nn Search radius for finding neighbors for normal estimation ([float] 20)
RIFT_gradient_r Search radius for intensity gradient computation ([float] 50)
RIFT_search_r Search radius for finding neighbors ([float] 50) constraints: (> pc_normal_nn)
FPFH Feature description using Fast Point Feature Histogram (FPFH)
FPFH_search_r Search radius for finding neighbors ([float] 33.41) constraints: (> pc_normal_nn)
SHOT Feature description using Signature of Histograms of OrienTations (SHOT)
SHOT_color Consider color information ([bool] 0)
SHOT_search_r Search radius for finding neighbors ([float] 15) constraints: (> pc_normal_nn)
SHOT_LRF_r Local Reference Frame (LRF) radius of SHOT descriptor ([float] 27.5)
kdmatch Feature matching using Kd-Trees
kdmatch_thresh Top percentage of correspondence distances that are considered ([float] 0.424) constraints: (>= 0.1), (<= 1)
icp Pose refinement using Iterative Closest Point (ICP)
icp_corrs_thresh Maximum distance threshold between two correspondent points in source <-> target ([float] 2)
icp_iter Maximum number of iterations ([int] 50)
icp_trans_eps Maximum allowable difference between two consecutive transformations ([float] 1e-08)
icp_fit_eps Maximum allowed Euclidean error between two consecutive steps in the ICP loop ([float] 1)
ndt Pose refinement using Normal Distributions Transform (NDT)
ndt_trans_eps Minimum allowable difference between two consecutive transformations ([float] 0.0001)
ndt_step Maximum step size for More-Thuente line search ([float] 0.05)
ndt_res Resolution of NDT grid structure (VoxelGridCovariance) ([float] 0.01)
ndt_iter Maximum number of iterations ([int] 2)
gc Transformation estimation using Geometric Consistency (Correspondence Grouping)
gc_resolution Consensus set resolution ([float] 3.6) constraints: (>= 1), (<= 10)
gc_thresh Minimum cluster size ([float] 1.26) constraints: (>= 0.1), (<= 1)
svd Transformation estimation using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
N/A Not parameterizable
ransac Transformation estimation using prerejective RANSAC
ransac_iter Maximum number of iterations ([int] 50000)
ransac_samples Number of points to sample for generating/prerejecting a pose ([int] 3)
ransac_features Number of nearest features to use ([int] 5)
ransac_sim_thresh Polygonal edge length similarity threshold ([float] 0.9)
ransac_corr_thresh Maximum correspondence distance for inlier consideration ([float] 2.5)
ransac_hyp_thresh Required inlier fraction for accepting a pose hypothesis ([float] 0.25)
hough Transformation estimation using Hough 3D Voting (Correspondence Grouping)
hough_bin_size Size per bin into the Hough space ([float] 5)
hough_thresh Minimum number of votes in the Hough space needed to infer the presence of a model instance into the scene cloud ([float] 5)
BOARD Local Reference Frame Estimation using BOrder Aware Repeatable Directions (BOARD)
BOARD_holes Search and account for holes in the margin of the support ([bool] 1)
BOARD_search_r Search radius of BOARD LRF estimation ([float] 10)
hv Global Hypothesis Verification
hv_inlier_thresh Inlier threshold ([float] 0.005) constraints: (>= 0), (<= 1)
hv_occlusion_thresh Occlusion threshold ([float] 0.01) constraints: (>= 0), (<= 1)
hv_regularizer Regularizer value ([float] 3)
hv_clutter_r Clutter radius ([float] 0.03) constraints: (>= 0), (<= 1)
hv_clutter_regularizer Clutter regularizer ([float] 2)
hv_clutter Whether to perform clutter detection ([bool] 1)
hv_normal_r Search radius for normal estimation ([float] 0.05) constraints: (>= 0), (<= 1)
opt Non-Linear Optimization for Pipeline Module Parameters
opt_skip_descriptor Skip optimization of feature description parameters ([bool] 0)
opt_skip_downsampler Skip optimization of downsampling parameters ([bool] 0)
opt_skip_feature_matcher Skip optimization of feature matching parameters ([bool] 0)
opt_skip_keypoint_extractor Skip optimization of keypoint extraction parameters ([bool] 0)
opt_skip_transformation_estimator Skip optimization of transformation estimation parameters ([bool] 0)
opt_skip_pose_refiner Skip optimization of pose refinement parameters ([bool] 0)
opt_skip_hypothesis_verifier Skip optimization of hypothesis verification parameters ([bool] 1)
opt_skip_misc Skip optimization of miscellaneous parameters ([bool] 0)
opt_xdelta Minimum allowed changed of all parameter values (stopping criterion) ([float] 0.5)
opt_iterations Maximum number of iterations (stopping criterion) ([int] 40)
opt_skip_init Skip initialization and begin with default parameter settings ([bool] 1)
opt_alpha Relative parameter value during initialization in the corresponding value range ([float] 0.2) constraints: (>= 0), (<= 1)
opt_enabled Whether to optimize pipeline module parameters ([bool] 0)
config Configuration of modules to use for pose estimation pipeline
config_descriptor Feature descriptor module ([FPFH/RIFT/RSD/SHOT/SI/USC] FPFH)
config_transformation_estimator Transformation estimator module ([gc/hough/ransac/svd] gc)
config_downsampler Downsampler module ([uniformdown/voxelgrid] uniformdown)
config_feature_matcher Feature matcher module ([kdmatch] kdmatch)
config_keypoint_extractor Keypoint extractor module ([iss/uniform] uniform)
config_poserefiner Iterative pose refinement module ([icp/ndt] icp)
pc Point Cloud computations
pc_normal_nn Search radius of nearest neighbor normal estimation ([float] 9.725) constraints: (>= 3), (<= 20)
pipeline Pose estimation pipeline
pipeline_downsampling Whether to use the downsampling module while processing the pipeline ([bool] 1)
pipeline_keypoint Whether to use the keypoint extraction module while processing the pipeline ([bool] 1)
pipeline_pose_refine Whether to use the pose refinement module while processing the pipeline ([bool] 0)
pipeline_hyp_ver Whether to use the hypothesis verification module while processing the pipeline ([bool] 1)
pipeline_max_descs Maximum allowable number of descriptors per cloud to be calculated ([int] 300000)

The Point Cloud Library (PCL) provides most point-cloud related algorithms. All of the involved parameters are resolution-independent by multiplying applicable parameters with the computed point cloud resolution. The resolution is defined as the mean distance of two closest points in the cloud.

NLopt is used for the non-linear parameter optimization.