A micro-service component for an English Language Learners website
This is the basic back-end entry points for a service that creates a paragraph with
specific kinds of errors for ELL students (especially Mandarin Chinese speakers) to practice
basic proof reading. It is installable using pip and provides objects and functions for
generating jsons and python objects. This should then be easy to plug into almost any
To install:
$ pip install git+https://github.com/eric-s-s/paragraph_generator
$ git clone https://github.com/eric-s-s/paragraph_generator
$ cd sentences
$ python setup.py install # or pip install .
class: AnswerChecker
method __init__:
types: {'submission': <class 'str'>, 'original': <class 'paragraph_generator.word_groups.paragraph.Paragraph'>}
method count_sentence_errors:
types: {'return': <class 'int'>}
method count_word_errors:
types: {'return': <class 'int'>}
method get_sentence_hints:
return: {'error_count': int, 'hint_paragraph': str, 'missing_sentences': int}
method get_word_hints:
return: {'error_count': int, 'hint_paragraph': str, 'missing_sentences': int}
method is_submission_correct:
types: {'return': <class 'bool'>}
method original:
method submission:
class: WordLists
method __init__:
param verbs: {'verb': str, 'irregular_past': str, 'preposition': str, 'particle': str, 'objects': int}
param countable: {'noun': str, 'irregular_plural': str}
param uncountable: {'noun': str, 'definite': bool}
param static: {'noun': str, 'is_plural': bool}
method nouns:
method verbs:
class: ParagraphsGenerator
method __init__:
types: {'word_lists_generator': <class 'paragraph_generator.word_lists.AbstractWordLists'>}
config_state optional keys:
'error_probability': 0.0 <= float <= 1.0
'noun_errors': bool
'pronoun_errors': bool
'verb_errors': bool
'is_do_errors': bool
'preposition_transpose_errors': bool
'punctuation_errors': bool
'tense': str - 'simple_past'|'simple_present'
'probability_plural_noun': 0.0 <= float <= 1.0
'probability_negative_verb': 0.0 <= float <= 1.0
'probability_pronoun': 0.0 <= float <= 1.0
'paragraph_type': str - 'chain'|'pool'
'subject_pool': 0 < int
'paragraph_size': 0 < int
method generate_paragraphs:
types: {'return': typing.Tuple[paragraph_generator.word_groups.paragraph.Paragraph, paragraph_generator.word_groups.paragraph.Paragraph]}
return: answer, error
method get:
method get_nouns:
types: {'return': typing.List[paragraph_generator.words.noun.Noun]}
method get_verbs:
types: {'return': typing.List[paragraph_generator.word_groups.verb_group.VerbGroup]}
class: Serializer
method __init__:
docs: No __init__ method. All methods are class methods or static methods
method from_json:
method to_dict:
method to_json:
method to_obj: