
install from pip? or aptget? can not found it

lucasjinreal opened this issue · 3 comments

install from pip? or aptget? can not found it

This is (was?) distributed via the ros apt repositories. It didn't make sense to distribute on pip since it depends on ros which is not on PIP.

See this question:

@eric-wieser, i am working with Indigo (because of the client...), but use python3 (for tensorflow and the like).
so have to pull a few packages from default indigo distribution into python3 setting.
also the version of ros_numpy in indigo is very old.
for example, right now i am trying to use it to get images from FLIR but getting 'TypeError: Unrecognized encoding bayer_rggb8'
looks like this was added later to ros_numpy, but it is not in apt installed ros-indigo-ros-numpy version.

so, to make story short - i need instructions how to install ros_numpy into python3 under indigo.
what is the best way?
pull ros_numpy into my workspace?
or just copy files next to my project files and add to pythonpath?

sorry about this, but apt on indigo is now not a viable way for many people

actually, just dropping the ros_numpy package into the workspace works fine