
How can I use this to detect by using web-camera?

DanielXu123 opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, eric.

I tried the demo.cmd and detect.cmd. Both them works, but I want to try this on web-camera, would you give me some tips to make that happen ?

I just update the demo_webcam.cmd at latest version. It would help to you.

Very appreciate for your help, Eric!
I download the whole latest version, and follow your instructions, but met some problem at the beginning( the build_win.cmd part). Maybe it's related to some environment issues, I will try to solve that first and then see the effect of the demo_webcam.cmd.

Many Thanks!

Hi, Eric.
I have successfully ran the demo_webcam.cmd. The previous problem may caused by windows caffe. I used the version of Microsoft instead of BVLC, which bring some missing lib error.
