

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi @ericcj ,

i'm always getting following error while trying to upload product data, your example in the READ ME fails at the following line

Authorization code works correctly (All the steps you mentioned in the readme related to auth are working)

feeds =

response = feeds.create_feed_document({"contentType" => 'text/xml; charset=utf-8'})

feed_document_id = response&.payload&.dig(:feedDocumentId)

my_feed = [my_product_feed_sample] (

encrypted = AmzSpApi.encrypt_feed(my_feed, response.payload)

All Above commands are working fine, Except the one below

response = feeds.create_feed({"feedType" => 'POST_PRODUCT_DATA', "marketplaceIds" => ["A1AM78C64UMOY8"], "inputFeedDocumentId" => feed_document_id})


Connection #1 to host left intact
ETHON: performed EASY effective_url= 
response_code=400 return_code=ok total_time=0.318291
HTTP response body ~BEGIN~
  "errors": [
    "code": "InvalidInput",
  "message": "Invalid Input",
  "details": ""

Also, Can u please point the correct product XML schema (working sample plz if you have)

Thanks so much :)

@AteqEjaz Did you ever resolve this?

You need to upload the feed content to the url. It says that step in the comment in the readme.
This step from the readme

# PUT to url with lowercase "content-type" header, it's already pre-signed

Can be something like this

Faraday.put(url, encrypted , {"Content-Type" =>  "text/xml; charset=UTF-8"});