
Zlib::DataError: incorrect header check

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While using AmzSpApi.decrypt_and_inflate_document(response, resp) for the report type GET_LEDGER_SUMMARY_VIEW_DATA I am getting Zlib::DataError: incorrect header check this error. However when i copy the code from the gem into my local file it works. Can anyone tell me what might i have missed?

While using AmzSpApi.decrypt_and_inflate_document(response, resp) for the report type GET_LEDGER_SUMMARY_VIEW_DATA I am getting Zlib::DataError: incorrect header check this error. However when i copy the code from the gem into my local file it works. Can anyone tell me what might i have missed?

hello, the same to me when i called the method AmzSpApi.decrypt_and_inflate_document(response, resp), do you resolve this problem?

There have been additional changes to the gem that have not been published to ruby gems. You can add this repo as the source for you gem.
gem 'amz_sp_api', :git => ''