
Is there a way to configure credentials without using block?

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First off, thank you for this as I am transitioning from MWS to SP-API.

I am able to connect and pull orders using the AmzSpApi configuration in block form AmzSpApi.configure do |config|...

I have many users I need to rotate through and all the jobs run at the same time. When I configure using the AmzSpApi.configure in block form, it causes issues as I believe it is a global configuration change.

I'm trying to code it so that I can just update different refresh tokens per connection and have many jobs run at the same time.

I have been trying to figure this out for a couple days

I have tried this: => false, :debugging => false, :region => 'na', :timeout => 20, :refresh_token => credential.refresh_token, :client_id => ENV['NA_SELLER_LWA_CLIENT_ID'], :client_secret => ENV['NA_SELLER_LWA_CLIENT_SECRET'], :c

as well as

config = and then trying to assing config.refresh_token etc but that doesn't work either


I'm also willing to compensate for a solution, thank you