Cannot transfer props using JSX destructuring assignment
willdady opened this issue · 2 comments
willdady commented
I'm using grunt-react v0.10.0 with Browserify and if fails to parse the new JSX way of selectively transferring props using destructuring assignment. Basically adding this line inside my component's render function...
var { checked, ...other } = this.props;
...results in this error:
Error: Parsing file /path/to/my/component/MyComponent.jsx: Line 26: Unexpected token ...
So I assume is to do with not having harmony=true set. How do I enable this when used with Browserify?
jackwanders commented
The grunt-browserify
README specifies how to pass options to transforms. In the options
has for your browserify task, try:
transform: [ [ require('grunt-react').browserify, { harmony: true } ] ]
willdady commented