How require component with .jsx extension?
kulakowka opened this issue · 5 comments
I had a problem.
When I try require a component without extension:
var Item = require('./Item');
In the console throws out an error:
Error: Cannot find module './Item' from '/Users/kulakowka/Documents/node.js/geekhub/assets/jsx'
But if I try to require a component with extension:
var Item = require('./Item.jsx');
It works!
Task configuration looks like this:
grunt.config.set('browserify', {
options: {
transform: [ require('grunt-react').browserify ]
dev: {
src: 'assets/jsx/app.jsx',
dest: '.tmp/public/js/app.js'
I tried to add the extension option:
grunt.config.set('browserify', {
options: {
transform: [ require('grunt-react').browserify ],
extension: 'jsx'
dev: {
src: 'assets/jsx/app.jsx',
dest: '.tmp/public/js/app.js'
But it did not help.
I would use .jsx extension for files with components. But I am sure that indicate the file extension in the require () is not required. Maybe it's a bug?
I am having the same issue, did you manage to fix it?
Unfortunately not. I use the extension .js
My best guess is that files are resolved the same way Node does it. Which means require('./Item')
tries to find 'Item', 'Item.js', 'Item.json', and 'Item.node'.
More info here:
Any way of fixing this? I have the same issue.
Hmm, this is odd, seeing how I have a test for this:
Lines 26 to 35 in eb333da
There was just a patch, but I dunno if it helps your case.
The fact is, as @mauvm linked, require
doesn't know to look for .jsx
, so you'll need to use that: require('./Item.jsx')
- If X is a file, load X as JavaScript text. STOP
- If X.js is a file, load X.js as JavaScript text. STOP
- If X.json is a file, parse X.json to a JavaScript Object. STOP
- If X.node is a file, load X.node as binary addon. STOP
Personally, I used to use jsx
extensions, but once I switched to Babel, since everything is transpiled, I called it all .js
and moved on :)